Flutter: The Framework For Cross Platform Applications

Flutter: The Framework For Cross Platform Applications

Flutter is an open- source software development tool which enables smooth and easy cross-platform mobile app development. You can make high quality natively collected apps for iOS and Android snappily, without having to write the law for the two apps independently. All you need is one codebase for both platforms.

Last time, Tim Sneath, product director of Flutter blazed an adding use of Flutter with further than 2 million inventors using the toolkit since its release in 2018. The spring update also reveals that it’s seeing a supplement in not just consumer apps but also enterprise app development.

In this composition we’re going to introduce this inventor-friendly app development language. We ’ll explain what Flutter is, and we will brief out its advantages and disadvantages.

What’s Flutter?

Back in the days of ideal C/ Swift and Java/ Kotlin as primary languages for mobile development, erecting apps was precious. You had to make two separate apps, which obviously meant doing the work doubly.

To break this problem, several fabrics have been constructed for the creation of mongrel( cross-platform) apps in HTML5 and Javascript. Among the cross-platform toolkits, including Phonegap, Xamarin, Reply Native, and more, the Flutter frame has snappily come decreasingly popular among inventors, enterprises, entrepreneurs and druggies.

Flutter is a movable UI toolkit for erecting native- suchlike apps across mobile, web and desktop, from a single codebase. It uses the programming language Dart and incorporates Material Design and Cupertino contraptions. Flutter inventors can produce spectacular UI that looks and feels native. It behaves naturally on any platform, indeed though you ’re using one codebase.

Flutter is the only frame with a mobile SDK that provides a responsive style without using a Javascript ground, thereby reaching a position of performance that rivals its kinsman and direct contender Reply Native. It fluently integrates with the different platforms similar as Android, IOS and Linux, MAC, Windows and Google Fuchsia operations.

What’s Flutter used for?

Flutter is one of the stylish results to develop apps for Android and iOS, without having to write in a different codebase for each platform. The smartphone performances of these apps serve as true, native apps on Apple and Android bias and are collected for the separate platform before publication. They don’t need a runtime module or a cybersurfer. Using the same codebase, it’s also possible to produce web apps for cybersurfers as well as native programs for Windows, Linux and macOS.

Google itself uses Flutter for several modules of the Google Assistant and for the stoner interface of the Google Home mecca. Well known e-commerce service providers similar as eBay, Groupon or Alibaba Group use Flutter to give their mobile and web apps an invariant look.

What programming language is Flutter grounded on?

The Flutter SDK is grounded on the Dart programming language, also developed by Google. Its intent is to display classic JavaScript. On a garçon, Dart programs can be run directly, while in the cybersurfer they’re converted to JavaScript using the Dart2js transcompiler.

Apps for Google’s new platform, Fuchsia, are developed directly with Dart. Its structure is analogous to that of well- known object- acquainted programming languages similar as Java orC#.

It’s All contraptions The Flutter principle

Flutter is a contrivance- grounded technology. This means that you can apply object- acquainted programming to any element. One of the benefits of using Flutter is that you can modify or customise contraptions with ease. In addition, it provides UI contraptions that meet crucial web operation design conditions.

Flutter, as an open- source frame, has attracted a broad and active community of inventors since its release. This community constantly publishes usable law exemplifications and supports inventors in creating new, innovative, beautiful cross-platform apps.

Pros and cons of Flutter app development

Every programming language has its advantages and disadvantages. But, in utmost cases, we can say that the advantages of Flutter, compared to analogous technologies, easily outweigh its disadvantages.

Also Read : Top apps developed using Flutter ?

Pros of Flutter app development

Flutter has multitudinous advantages over its challengers. These advantages are essential in the programming language and in the set of development tools that allow Flutter to break issues that other languages can not manage with.

1. One codebase for all platforms

Gone are the days of having to write a law for Android and another codebase for iOS bias. Flutter’s law reusability allows you to write just one codebase and use it on not only for mobile Android and iOS but indeed for web, desktop and further. This cuts development time significantly, removes cost and enables you launch your app that much briskly.

2. “ It’s all contraptions ” principle offers innumerous possibilities

Flutter’s custom contraptions are an absolute delight when it comes to creating great illustrations for your app. At the same time, you do n’t have to worry about the UI being biassed.

3. Rich libraries

Flutter uses the Skia Graphics Library which is a fast and mature open- source plates library. It redraws the UI every time a view changes. The result? A quick lading and smooth app experience.

4. Fast testing with hot reload

The hot reload point makes the app development much hastily. With Flutter there’s no need to reload the app to see every single change you make in the law. You can fluently make changes in your app in real time, so you have further occasion to experiment with the law and fix bugs on the go.

Cons of Flutter app development

There are no indefectible technology results, and Flutter is no exception. Flutter’s cons are n’t exactly deal- combers, but there are many reasons why it might not be the ideal toolkit for a specific app.

1. Large train size because of the contraptions

Flutter apps are relatively large and “ heavy ” to start with. They enthral a lot of space and take longer to download or modernise.

2. Complex updating

streamlining programming conditions in operating systems requires streamlining Flutter modules. Since the modules are integrated as fixed rudiments in the program, the ultimate must also be reedited and reinstalled on the bias.

3. Limited set of tools and libraries

Flutter is a relatively new development framework, so in some cases you may not be suitable to get the asked functions in the current library. Flutter will take some time to produce certain tools, expand functionality and develop the community.

Apps developed on Flutter

The fashionability of Flutter app development is constantly growing. Now Flutter is extensively used to produce apps for the likes of Alibaba, Yandex, Airbnb, Uber, eBay and other leading companies. There’s a selection of the top Flutter apps.

Also read : Which is best ? Flutter vs React Native

Your coming way for Flutter app development?

Winklix has developed multiple apps in Flutter over the past 18 months. We’ve erected excellent social media apps, service booking apps, productivity dimension apps, mileage apps, product distribution apps and healthcare apps, all using Flutter. Despite the fairly short actuality of the technology, we’re accomplished expounders!

Contact Winklix for a free discussion, If you would like to bandy the occasion and benefits of using Flutter app development for your design.

Flutter Advantages and Disadvantages for Mobile App Developers

Flutter Advantages and Disadvantages for Mobile App Developers

Google I/O 2019 focused heavily on Flutter, announcing an almost overwhelming quantity of news regarding this technology. Here are a few examples:

  • Google has released a web preview version of Flutter. It’s no longer known as Hummingbird; it’s now known as Flutter Web (An example of Flutter Web is New York Times puzzle game)
  • Google released Flutter 1.12 with numerous enhancements (check out the Flutter changelog that documents noteworthy changes)
  • The most recent Flutter release includes functionality for creating Chrome OS applications.
  • Google has launched Dart 2.3, which includes new support for UI-as-code capabilities.

Flutter allows for the rapid and simple building of cross-platform mobile apps. You do not need to create separate iOS and Android apps. All you need is a single codebase to support both platforms.

Furthermore, Flutter:

  • Is open-source and free,
  • Is built on Dart, a quick, object-oriented programming language that is simple to learn in and of itself.
  • It will provide its own widgets, which will be produced using its own high-performance rendering engine. They are quick, attractive, and adaptable.
  • Flutter apps look and feel amazing because of the rich widgets (you can construct your own original app design, but you can also use widely available UI elements that adhere to certain platform rules). Check the post-Top Flutter-Created Apps.
  • Flutter’s architecture is based on today’s popular reactive programming (the same that React has been made from)
  • It’s becoming a strong rival to React Native, as well as native app development. Read the articles: Top innovative mobile app build using Flutter .

What is the point of Flutter? Top 7 Benefits for Mobile App Owners

The following are the most important benefits from the standpoint of an app owner: Flutter accelerates the mobile app development process, lowers app development costs, and assists your team in creating a beautiful app UI with seamless animations. Let’s take a closer look at it. We created the lists below with the help of Paulina Szklarska and Karol Wrótniak, two of our Android Developers who work with Flutter.

Also read : Flutter & its pros and cons ?

  • Faster code creation

Flutter enables faster and more dynamic mobile app development for developers. We can make changes to the code and immediately see the results in the app! This is known as a hot reload, which normally takes (milli)seconds and allows teams to add features, correct errors, and experiment more quickly. It is one of the features of Flutter that every top Flutter app development team adores.

Hot reload is particularly useful in developer-designer collaboration when we want to tweak or experiment with an app’s look and see the results right away. In other words, using Flutter, your designer or tester may collaborate with a developer on the UI, suggesting adjustments – for example, “Put it 2 pixels right” or “Make the animation faster” – and immediately see the results.

  • A single code for two platforms

Developers build a single codebase for your two apps, which span both the Android and iOS platforms. Because it has its own widgets and designs, Flutter does not rely on the platform. This means you have the identical app on two different platforms. However, it is vital to note that if you want to differentiate your apps, it is doable.

  • Fewer tests

It implies less testing if you have the same software for two platforms! The Quality Assurance procedure might be sped up. Because of the shared codebase, developers only need to write automated tests once. Furthermore, because there is just one app to test, Quality Assurance specialists have less work to complete. Of course, if your apps differ in any way, they must be evaluated on both platforms.

  • Apps that run faster

Flutter apps run smoothly and quickly, with no stuttering or clipping while scrolling. Read this article if you want to know why and how it works from a technical standpoint. Also, have a look at this fantastic article in the Flutter documentation that discusses best practises for app speed.

  • Designs that your customers will appreciate

Flutter is designed to make it simple to create your own widgets or modify existing ones. You may browse a catalogue of Flutter widgets here and see examples such as Material Design widgets and Cupertino widgets.

Is there anything negative about Flutter- Let’s dig into that-

  • Libraries and support are impressive, but not as extensive as in native programming.

Google’s support for Flutter is excellent, and there are numerous useful libraries with ready-to-implement capabilities. However, Flutter is still in its early stages, and these libraries may not provide all of the functionality you require. This means that your developers would have to build them themselves, which could take a long time.

  • Help with Continuous Integration

Codemagic, a new CI/CD system for Flutter applications, was announced at Flutter Live 2018.

Bitrise released the full-featured Flutter CI in January 2019.

It’s worth noting that one of our team members, Karol, is constantly working on the Flutters build phase for Bitrise. The most recent edition added the ability to create appbundles for Android releases (read more about it here).

Top Innovative Mobile App Build Using Flutter Framework

Top Innovative Mobile App Build Using Flutter Framework

We all are already aware that app stores are already flooded with tons of mobile apps. At present Android play store hold, more than 2.9 million of the app and the Apple App store has 2.57 million apps present in their store. The reason for this overloaded marketplace is people who love to spend more than 90 % of their mobile time using apps. If you are planning to develop a mobile app, then it is very much important to choose mobile app development company who have in house team of experts to build a catchy mobile app, which is at the same time easy to use and does not make much investment to remain competitive in this digital world. One of the hottest cross-platform app development toolkit available in the marketplace is Flutter

Flutter was although launched in May 2017, but more than 3000 flutter app was already present on play store before its launch with over 200+ million users who are using apps made on flutter. 

Flutter: Native Like Apps For Mobile, Web, and Desktop 

Cross-platform app development is gaining lot of attraction as building and launching of mobile apps on multiple operating systems is feasible using a single code base, which is impossible in a native platform.
Flutter is an open-source, cross-platform app development framework originated by Google – the leading industry leader in providing digital transformation services. FLutter facilitates designing, developing and publishing app which gives native feel for not only mobile but for desktop as well as web applications.

Unlocking Good Things About Flutter

Fast Development 

Flutter platform facilitates developer to develop app faster and more dynamic at developer can actually see the changes made in code straight away in mobile apps using Hot Reload which actually takes just fractions of seconds to view the changes and adding new features, in comparison with the native wherein developer have to completely recompile mobile app to see the changes which take minutes.

Easy Programming Language 

Flutter uses Dart, which is the latest object-oriented language that facilitates AOT and JIT compilation types. This, in turn, means XML files are not required and results can be improvised using the Javascript bridge.

Customizable Kit Of Widgets

Any object is Flutter is considered as widgets. These widgets are then later on combined to create awesome layouts which are also customizable as per your need. All the widgets in flutter are organized in trees and hence can be rendered easily.

Expressive UI

Flutter facilitates new apps to look the same on every platform irrespective of their platform. At the same time, it cost nothing to run on older version of devices.

Cons About Flutter

Limited Libraries  

As Flutter is developed by Google, developers usually do not find is best compatible with Apple apps. It facilitates very fast processing with Android but is not fully compatible with Apple devices. It also has limited libraries which can only work best with Android.

Lack Of Third-Party Service

In providing automated software development services and removing the workout for writing the code from scratch, third-party libraries facilities pre-tested openings.

Dart Language Has To Be Learned 

Although Dart is a very easy programing language, but its paradigm is known to a lesser number of programmers which is impossible to be addressed. And hence this is the reason why developers are still not comfortable in working with Flutter in comparison with other languages.

Some Of The Mobile Apps Built Using Flutter 

1) Dream 11 ( Fantasy Sports ) 

It is a fantasy sports platform originated from India which facilitates users to play fantasy sports for cricket, hockey, football, basketball and more. Users are allowed to create their own virtual team of real-life players and thereon earn points on the basis of their real matches performances.

     Link ( Web | iOS ) 

2) Google Ads ( Business ) 

It is famous online advertising platform offered by Google which is being used by advertisers to display their advertisement related to their offerings of services or product that helps them is the generation of business leads for their industry. The whole process made possible with the Google ads network.

       Link ( Web  |  Android |  iOS  )

3) Alibaba ( eCommerce ) 

Alibaba is headquartered in China offering e-commerce, retail, Internet and technology thereby facilitating business across the globe in numerous sectors.

     Link ( Web |  iOS | Android ) 


If you are among those who are planning to develop a mobile app based on Flutter, all its pros and cons need to be taken care of before undergoing with the developmental process. Its better to hire a mobile app development consultant who has expertise in developing apps and can suggest you best possible way to proceed with.