Ask Essential Queries Before Hiring Software Development Outsourcing Companies

You need to know how outsourcing can be a great solution that provides immense flexibility in meeting your business goals. Therefore when searching for software development outsourcing companies, it is important to find the right one. Handing over important tasks like custom software development to an external unit can save you a lot of time and money. But it also comes with risks which are very important to ignore. Choosing the right people to work always proves, at some level or the other, a leap of faith. We talk a lot about what your outsourced software development partner should be like:

  • Understand the needs of your business.
  • Make a solid plan to achieve your strategic goals.
  • Design a final product that looks, feels and functions according to your imagination.

Most software development companies will tell you that they do all that and more. The trick to reducing your risks is to hire a person who will actually do it. How do you do that? By asking the right questions.

Problems Finding Software Development Outsourcing Companies

Experts agree that there are several reasons why half of software projects fail. The same common, costly mistakes are often made. Work areas are underestimated, deadlines derail, and stakeholders fail to monitor progress. To avoid making your project suffer from the same fate, do your homework as well as ask these questions, and look at these telltale signs to determine if you are choosing the right outsourced software development partner.

Check in with your first resource

Before you ask any questions to software development outsourcing companies, ask for referrals from your network. While you will still need to assess things like cultural fit and cost, recommendations from satisfied customers are one of the safest ways to find a reputable company. Once you have a list of prospects, a Google search can help you research suggested companies and find others like them.

Conduct an internal assessment

When you have a healthy list of candidates, do a brief preliminary assessment on each:

  • Check if their website is on point or not. See quality of work, experience and expertise, company culture, and whether they demonstrate thought leadership in the industry.
  • Find out if they have a portfolio of projects. The portfolio reflects the value they bring.
  • You should be aware that they manufacture the type of software that you want to build.

Companies that match these three points with an answer should include it in your shortlist.

First Interaction

Whether it is a phone call, email, or video consultation, your first contact with any software development company should be to find out if they will prove suitable for your project in the most basic of ways, such as scope, budget, and timeline. Be honest with each company about their goals so that they can be clear with you about whether they can meet them.

Questions to ask the software development company

By the time this article is read, you are likely to find at least one or two potential partners. While there may not be an obvious factor highlighting the best candidate, there are ways to make the decision a bit more clear.

  • Ask about what is currently going on in the company. How many projects are they working on? Who are his major talents? How long have they been working with the company, and are they all knowledgeable in their area of expertise?
  • Ask them to describe their developmental abilities. Which approach do they use? How big is each team? Where are they located
  • Ask how they evaluate the client’s strategy, identify business goals, and build consensus. What drives decisions during the development process?
  • Ask about their communication process. Larger software development projects can take months to complete. Without good communication, your project is more likely to fail. At Winklix, we follow a practical agile method, which allows us to organize goals flexibly. Customers and customers are always welcome to attend scheduled meetings and progress the project.

Hopefully, these questions will help you get the answers you need to make a wise decision in your choice of software development partner. This is especially important for the success of your project. However, one of the things you want to keep in mind during this phase is how well the company is able to communicate overall with you. In other words, at the end of any conversation with them, do you think this is a partner you can trust? How well they communicate with you during the “knowing you” phase is a good indication of how the rest of the project will go.

Low Risk Outsource Software Development

At Winklix, the focus has been on providing an exceptional customer experience from the beginning. Our practical, transparent approach to software development ensures you:

  • Experienced and highly-skilled engineers who have the necessary expertise to make your project a success.
  • Strategic Consulting.
  • A point of contact and constant communication with our engineers.

It is tempting to choose a software development based only on questions about the budget, but finding out if the outsourcing partner is suitable for your needs and culture will, ultimately, help keep your project on budget and long-lasting. Will help beneficial relationships for all parties. To know more, contact us today.

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