How App Development Cost Be Reduced Without Compromising On Quality

How App Development Cost Be Reduced Without Compromising On Quality

If you want to build best apps , then obviously it will loose your pockets as it consumes more bucks to completely build the same . Experts in world believe that you must spend to get something worthwhile .
In this article , we can guide you on how you can overall costing on app development without even compromising on quality of mobile app .


Every next big thing required proper planning . Similarly app development requires different sets of planning to succeed in marketplace . The steps may involve comprehensive research on the desired audience , their likes etc . It is very well known that ” customer is king ” . So surely you should consider demand of your customer as your first priority as they will decide the success of your mobile app.
Similarly keeping eye on your competitors app can help you get overview of challenges they are facing right now . This will give you better picture of what features they have integrated in their mobile app and help you give a thought on what features you can integrate in your app to provide user with distinct feature . This is the fact that only if you built something different in your app , you will be able to succeed else you will incur cost with no ROI .
Once you are pretty much sure that your app offers unique features , you can start about how and what’s of development . Effective planning depends on how effectively you have documented your detailed requirement of mobile app .
If your document is well planned , you can save cost of trial and error , focus on only quality product and can minimise useless expenditure . This will also help you in estimating the time that is needed for app development .

Interactive Prototype 

App development companies helps in building interactive prototypes before starting of actual app development which can help you visualise the features , navigation and UI / UX design of mobile app .
Prototype act as a blueprint for both developer and client to test if they both are on same phase or not. This prototype can then be reviewed by client who can give their suggestion as per their taste . 
Although making an interactive prototype involves cost , it will helps in reducing of overall app development cost which is far more than prototype costing . Assume if client does not have prototype , then they will surely seek modification on the final version of mobile app , which means doing changes when you have actually wasted your lot of time and obviously money on man hours .

Cross Platforms Apps 

When it comes to app development  it comes in two category namely , Native and Hybrid app development .  In case you are looking for more detailed discussion on this topics , please read our article here .
It is quite obvious that development app on two different platform will going to cost you more . But at the same time it must be taken care that users are split in both the platforms, this means choosing some specific platform for app development means loosing the customers who are present on other platform .
In order to overcome with this issue and reduce the overall costing of mobile app development , if you have a small app , always prefer to launch your app on both iOS and android platform by using cross platform technology .
There are various kinds of tools available now in marketplace to successfully built app on cross platform technology . Some of the most common tools available are Xamarin , PhoneGap , Unity3D or Appcelerator  .

Minimum Viable Product 

You can image the losses you may need to bear if your app fails in market to succeed even after spending so much time and resources .
The concept fo minimum viable product (MVP) comes into place which gives you opportunity to determine how will your app will perform in real market without spending huge amount on mobile app development . Always note in mind , you can add on features to your MVP even after launching of your MVP app in marketplace .
Facebook has grown over time , and so can be the case with your mobile app !
MVP can give you real insight and improved your app required as real users are going to test and use it in real environment . Always insist them to give their feedback and improve your app accordingly . So we can define MVP as quality control technique which can aid you in saving costs as well as adding quality to your product after each stage of live testing .


The right app development company can help you with overall reduction of cost of mobile app development . So it’s always suggestible to outsource development work of app to some capable companies . 
Outsourcing of app can give you numerous of benefits . It is quite obvious that it is not viable to hire new developers for every new idea you have in your mind . This approach will obviously going to cost you more and will be time consuming process as well . 
Outsourcing is best way to get through difficulties as well as diversifying your resources to focus on core competencies areas .
Also Read  : Why Do Companies Outsource Their App Development Work ?


In simple words , cost of quality is expense you are going to put on things which are wrong . So by choosing right path to do things in right way can help you with reduction of overall app development cost as well as compromising on quality .
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So if you are planning for hiring an app development partner who can give you cost effective apps , contact us now !