Social Media Marketing : Throwing A Party

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So your birthday in coming , you must be pretty excited about it , specially the girls , but hey you are turning old at the same time , that necessarily means you will soon be counted in adult category and expectation will increase from you soon , although you are not an adult .

Inspite of the the above adult factor  , these is some anxiety in in your birthday , which makes you feel excited specially when your birthday is nearby . But but , why the hell we are talking about birthday here ??

Well let me tell you , birthday brings you apart from turning a year older , makes you excited to through a party and spend time with your loved ones , a bit higher than your previous birthday year.

Well social media marketing is actually throwing and inviting for the party to all people . Thinking I am insane ? Ok let me tell you how .

Content = Food

Imagine a party which is hosted without a food !! Will you prefer to go ? I don’t know but obviously I will not . Infact nobody like to go to any party if it is not for the food . At the time we get party invitation , then instantly we mark our calendars ” The Eating Day ” in our calendar , and we often don’t let since the very morning of that day to eat much in party …..haha its a true fact .

Likewise nobody will remain connected on your social media page , in case you lacks engaging content . Like pizza’s , burger, chickens – you need to have content of different types .

Social Media Platform = Where Is The Party ?

Another important aspect of party is when the party is being hosted ? As you are never going to thorough a birthday party in bar , and adult party needs to be in totally different place .
So the matter of fact is some goes for social media too for throwing a party .If you are about to launch your furniture store , then you can choose the platform that has active audience who are willing to buy furnitures , all you need to find is active audience .

Engagement = Alcohol

Suppose you call all your friends for night out on your birthday , you have delicious foods , great music . But is there something all is missing ? Yes , Alcohol it is . It will add flavour in your party . As a successful party does not get started until a bottle of champagne opens , your page on social media will be know to be dead , until you call out for an participation .

Branding = Music

The music of the party can either rock the party , or can destroy it . You can have rock and roll or dubstep depending on the nature of party . The exact same thing happens when you decide to choose your brand online presence . The decision takes by you will shape your brand into how well or badly you are going to perform online .

Target Audience = Friends

You can’t have the fanciest party until and unless you call for a gang – the gang that turns you on and get the party started . A digital  marketer will be fooled to expect his business grow in case he is not targeting the right audience .

Action = Dancing

You would like a party in which all the people are just focusing on eating the foods , and none of them are dancing and having a fun ?? BORING !
Similarly no social media page can be alive , if you are not regularly updating your page , as people like to se the active brands who regularly interacts with the audience.
Social media is all about posting  every now and then new things you are updating .

Using Your Website To Stand Out Among Competitors – Winklix

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Your website is more than just a home for visitors visiting their to get the information  about you and your product/services , so it must be handled with care , in order to be successful you must differentiate from others in your industry . We all know that it’s a big big world and changes of standing ahead of your competitors are not common at all . It might be frustrating for you to do all this , but I guarantee , visitor who is looking to choose best among you , it’s more frustrating for them to choose from varieties of option .

For instance our client Shantiniketan Group , who is builder and contractor , are one in the industries where everyone shows the same thing , that is about the company , up going projects , floor plans , pricing sheet and blah blah blah….. . Shantiniketan is young in industry and have smaller team , yet that want to develop an quick unique online identity . To develop an unique online identity , , a website developer in delhi, understand and identify differences and then strategically applied them both overt and subtle measures throughout the website .

Look Different

Looking somewhat different is all you need to be successful in online industry .Winklix website designer and developers can help you to create your visuals into reality .

Say It Smarter

Dense content is you should focus on . It’s useless to have too much content on the website  , all needed is be specific and concise as it is possible , just specifying the content that best describes your services  and gives user a natural reading flow . No one is going to read the whole paragraphs of copy on your website , so make sure to say it quicker , smarter and induce them .
Thus while creating a visual identity for your business , the above given factors is all you need to have something unique and be a successful leader among many in the market . You can hire who has gained good reputation as website designing and development company .

The Cost Of Building Mobile Application

app developer delhi

How much does the app cost ?

I love making application and playing with the developmental part .Hell , myself and Pratibha has started this company to take new challenges everyday . Our wish has come true , we are getting all wonderful enquiries every day and we are facing a new height of opportunities every day . We often try to handle the new enquiries by ourself as far as we can , as we really get excited about business and people who make to have an mobile application . We have often share with you many articles , but when the question comes for mobile app development , be have to put together this article to share with you some really interesting things .

Choosing the right app developer

This is one of the hardest things indeed . We got lot of calls from companies to finish an “underdevelopment app “which was started somewhere else . It is a really tough task from developmental point of view . The simplest way to determined which i think would be viable will be ,   hire two high qualify chef and assign them the task to make the same dish , they will use the same ingredients in making the delicious food , but they will do it along their way . None of the way is right or wrong , but just different with their own strategies . So trying to unpick a half cooked food to see whats gone so far , is next to impossible job .

Each mobile app development has different level of skills ,strategy and framework in which it has been developed , thus in case you want to hand over your half baked app to someone else , they have no other alternative than to just start with the whole app again , or taking unnecessary time to complete the application .A good mobile app development company will tell you “no” when they don’ t think something is right , and will always look to enhance and add values to your idea of application development . Don’t be a person who calls us in the middle of half baked app , instead be a person who calls us who give us a ring in the very beginning , and briefly explain the whole wireframe of your mindset for development of app .

One piece of advice is a good developers won’t be able to design a good app , a good designer can’t do a coding part , and a server expert does not have to no anything with designing and development .

So while choosing a right app developer , before choosing and coming to any conclusion , make sure they have solid team to fulfil all your needs.

The Cost

If you think apps apps can be made in few hundred’s bucks , then it is absolutely not . A basic app developmental project will take around $ 2000 . And the cost so move on depending on functionalities and time frame required by you .

The Idea

Please please please check , before you even think of starting something new . Your idea might be someone dreams on which they might have taken first step to fulfil their dreams .  If you think you’re genius who bring’s the very first idea , then you may be not , or if you are , might be that can’t be done due to limitations .

Few important things to think of before stepping up on your ideas are given below :

1) Ask more and more people to give an opinion about your idea , apart from asking only with your friends and family who can give you biased decision with due respect .

2)Don’t try to become another flipkart , everyone wants to become some brand who is already famous , but that idea might not work . So try to be as unique as possible .

3) Don’t try to copy Facebook , Twitter , Instagram in case you are planning to make replica of it . Always remember , many persons are only moving on that part. So make your idea innovative , be creative , so that the final output comes with something new .

4)Respect the app developer’s opinions , although our words are not golden charms , but we are a little bit expert in our field , and we know a lit better than you people what apps are on fire and who are not .

The Platform

Every different platform has their own programming languages . 2 most commonly programming languages used are android studio for android phones and swift code for iOS . We only have right now two platforms for developing an application , i.e. you can go for native app building or you can choose a cross platform for developing an app . Each has their own pons and cons . For details of what is cross platform and native application you can refer our article native application vs hybrid .

The Requirements

App designing and development have several stages and each stage has different persons and team , your duty is to ask information on each and every stage to make an awesome application .
1) Designing : The designing of mobile application is not like website designing .Designing is the main thing which must be taken care of as users are going to see your front end of the application , and if they don’t find it useful ,your user might go away . App development requires development of app for 20 different available sizes and their respective resolutions .Its truly said that ” First Impression Is Last Impression ” and the case applies in case of mobile application for user usability.
2) Development : Which platform ? Which framework ? Development is heart of project and its essential to make sure it’s build in correct way since the very beginning of the process . You you want to update something in application , development should be in such a way that you should not require to re-write modules .
3) Web Services : Errrr question arises ? What are these ? In some words we can say web services is mechanism in which an app connects to web server for communication , connection and other things .This can be login/signup thorough Facebook , for showing dynamic content . If web services is not handled carefully , the app may slow down , crash ,fall over etc .
4) Testing : Test your app as many times you can , not only on your phone , but for external people also .If you launch an app on stores , make sure it’s bug free  .
5) Project Management : Don’t focus on some cheap android developer who is not at all going to give you some positive result . It’s the most important element of application building . If you hire a good agency , they will charge a good project fees . is leading app developer in Delhi , having experience of developing 500+ application , giving affordable app development solution to clients since 2004 .