Twitter’s 280 Character Limit : Implications It Holds For Future ?

twitter 280 character limit

Twitter has just cramped out some space to fit its miniature packer , and we are not really ready for it.

In the recent blog post  published by Twitter , they made sure that we need some extra wording , while posting a post on twitter .

” Our research shows that the character limit is major cause of frustration among people tweeting in english ,when people won’t have to cram their thoughts into this small space , they might just be more of a human instead of a bots” .

Many times , when we are posting it on twitter, their 140 character limitations , break out sentences into stupid end , it happens with me almost all the times , when i try to post the sentence on twitter .

What Exactly Was There A Limit At First Space ?

When the world was total chaos , that is at the starting phase when twitter has just been introduced and there were not much competitors , twitter send the normal text message which was 160 character , which is combination of 140 as limit for sentences and 20 for damn username .
But due to people discovery , suddenly the words got more power and is becoming meaningful .
So at that time also , twitter played his role , thereby increasing the limit to 10000 characters in 2015 .
Now lets think of twitter becoming Facebook , and lots of words are becoming fluffy . Thank to Jack Dorsey for not making it Facebook .

Why They Want To Change It Now ?

Yuppie , you are so happy !! Finally twitter has increased its limit . But oh ohhh… limits are just arbitrary frame for references that can change from time to time and from mindset to mindset .
We are human beings and we can limit our thought for expressing it on twitter , and at the very next movement , we realise that you need to break the text .
How sad it is ?
So instead of being happy with it , you have to ultimately focus on how to fit your thoughts within that constraint . Twitter might also be thinking all these , but why they did all these years ?

Why Isn’t It Working Anymore ?

Even twitter don’t know it . Twitter itself has twitted  ” We won’t now until the updates got live !” Really nice twitter you are learning from us !!

What’s Next ?

Well we are yet to discover that  .whether it will make the steeples more active to what !

Artificial Intelligence – Benefit For Retailer

artificial intelligence winklix

Inspite of the fact that some of the largest advancement is taking place in AI , in all industry across , but retail industry is leading the way . Some of the biggest implementors of AI are Amazon Eco , Google Home , and Apple Siri . Every now an then , we see application coming online using AI, but there is a lot that can impact retail industry .

Snapchat is also using AI in neural networks way . Now let’s move on to how AI help retail store owners ?

Artificial Intelligence technologies are set of big datas , which combining with technology , creates a model that can provide answer like real human . The answer depends on what AI has learned through data set .The more the AI faces customer interaction , the more it will get chance to improve the question and answer ability .

Since AI runs on machine oriented algorithms , it can discover actionable information about business , customer and inventory which are even not known by business owners . It can benefit the retail in numerous of ways .For instance , AI can get to know about the taste and preference of customer together with what they want and what they need .

And AI knows even before you know it . AI produces a great result , it can give multiple benefits to business owner . Secondly , without the help of AI , if customer gets discount coupon , even before going to shops of business owners , both customer and owner will be benefited .Another benefit we can say is , if AI gets to know what is the exact need of the customer , and can offer them at best prices , you can start building personal selling relationship with your customer .

Let’s take another example of product images , the biggest problem faced by online retailers and marketplace where large number of catalogs are to be dealt in . It is a time consuming job of tagging each product one by one , and high chances of getting wrong tagging . Product tagging and thereafter searching for the right product is one of the crucial task that can seriously impact search result and sales . Currently manual process of tagging online retailer is time consuming and error prone job .Inaccurate tagging can frustrate the customer and result in loss of revenues .

This problem can be solved by AI . Instead of manual tagging , retailer can upload all the images to AI engine , and can tag them by colour , pattern , style , and other parameters all at once .

AI are also used by business owners to transform the way customers are looking for the product . Image searching , replacing the text search to find products online by shoppers , is an opportunity for retailer to help them tackle the problem of discovery while building new experience .

How Chatbots Help You Improve Customer Service

Chatbots are being used everywhere now – be it ordering foods online , or bargaining the products over e-commerce website . Instant messaging is becoming main form of communication now a days . In order to get better result , many of the companies are implementing chatbots in their system , for better information management and customer service .

Chatbots are computer programme that allows us real time conversation using chat interface , and has vide range of application for any type of business . It has the ability to understand human language .

Let’s see some benefits of chatbots into order to better serve your customer while dealing with company :

Immediate Customer Service & Support

Putting on hold the customers every time they call for viable solution required patience and most important customer valuable time . This all problem can be converted into solution with the help of chatbot . This means , its a miracle and business opportunity for your business , as customer will get to know instantly , say when will refund be processed , when will my order be delivered and so on , thus allowing your organisation to focus on more critical issue and leave positive impression on the customer .

Personal Service And Increase Sale

Chatbots helps customer to directly connect with company sales person , in order to get expert guidance regarding products catalog which proves helpful for customer and as well as increase profit for your business . Chatbots saves the customer entry who exits without making the purchase , and will remember the same , if customer revisiting , and you can make recommendation accordingly .

Access To Large Audience

Chatbots can be easily accessible on your mobile application , website , Facebook messenger , slack , Skype and many more .This flexibility allows business to get their hands shakes with vide range of customer worldwide . Facebook messenger has individually 1 billion active user who are using facebook .

Round The Clock Availability

Customer can chat anytime according to their convenience , wherever they have found chatbots implemented , thus allowing the customer to get their complain solved during non working hours .

Chatbots Can Predict

One of the most important benefit of chatbots are they remember previous held  conversation with a particular custom thus company sales person can easily recognise the customer and preparing strategy accordingly , without even knowing to the  customer.
Winklix understands the important of chatbots in present scenario . With an extensive experience in developing chatbots software by php sockets , we help our  clients to get busy in developing their business strategy to increase customer and employee engagement to make your business available 24*7 for your customers .