App Store VS Play Store

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Developing an app  ? One of the biggest decision before making it is , on which platform : Android and iOS ? Both these platform are contributing 99.6% of the total market share . These two platforms are competing into market like ” two-horses “.

Each of the respective market have their own pros and cons , we can compare both on the basis of monetary value based on user’s app purchases .Every business owner’s aim is to earn revenue from the app in which they have invested in . According to reports , iPhone apps makes 75% more money than Android marketplace , despite of the fact that google play share being four times larger than iOS.

So the next question arises why do iPhone users spend on apps than Android users ?

Device Engagement & Demographics

Let’s discuss about the engagement first .According to research , iPhone user spends 30 more minutes than an android user . They also find spending time on mobile commerce on their iPhones .

Android phones has variety of devices ranging from budgeted phones to high-end users . This makes them prices conscious . Price is the very first factor while choosing Android phones in the first place .

It is based on the fact that  , lower the price of the software , the lesser user will spend on apps and software . The logical assumption , we can say behind that is a budgeted android phone user will not spend money on app , as high value user of Android and iPhones will do , as if they can , they why will they buy a budget phone , rather than iPhone . More of the people who buy budgeted phones are living in developing nations , wherein use of credit card is still lower .

Brand Loyalty Means App Loyalty

Another reason why iPhones user spend more on apps are , when asked with any of the iPhone user , they would likely to return to apple for their next iPhone , while the same question being asked with android user , more than 77% are not likely to return to Android .

Change Is In the Air

In present scenario almost 78% of the 2.2 billion apps on the Apple App store are free to download . Meanwhile , in play store this trends of paid apps seem to raise to about 31 % .

It’s Gonna Be A Close One

Although iPhone has historical spent more of apps than Android customer , recent studies shows that gap is narrowing , When it comes to satisfaction , both the platforms are on equal level . We even don’t know what is going to happen with us in a near future , and same is the case with app stores, anyways lets hope for the best and see who will be on the win win situation . At the app marketplace matures , we are early waiting to see future buying habits of user on iOS and Android .

Key Difference Between Android & iOS App

  • 41% Apple user’s have income more than $ 100000 .
  • The percentage of free apps in app store is 78%.
  • 92% will return back as iPhone user , which buying a new phone .
  • 69 % of the only apps are free on play store .
  • Apple user download more apps
  • Android apps require lots of bug fixing check , as there are so many phone .
  • Satisfaction for both android and iOS are at 81 % each .

App Store vs Google Play