How Do You Create An Effective Brand Voice For Your Company?

How Do You Create An Effective Brand Voice For Your Company?

The majority of users or consumers are cognizant of product descriptions through the identities of their brand image. It’s possible to convince consumers if you advertise your company’s brand voice correctly.

These brand voices can take the shape of well-known and distinctive slogans, appealing symbols or logos, etc. Also, it’s critical to promote these brand voices online as well as other advertising platforms so that customers can quickly recognize your company.

Brands can now interact with their consumers daily via internet media social media channels and receive constructive opinions on products thanks to digital marketing.

As a result, if social networks are utilized effectively or directed, they can be very helpful in enhancing the ideal brand voice for your company and conducting business advertising extremely easy.

But before that, perhaps you’d like to understand what a brand voice is and how beneficial it could be.

With the support of exceptional slogans, interesting and catchy icons and symbols, and unique and enjoyable brand names that are easy to recognize, brand voices assist in maintaining the brand’s involvement with its consumers.

Whether you focus on developing your brand, you should begin by coming up with a unique name for your company. Customers will recognize and remember your things based on their brand name. It aids in the comprehension of the company’s niche.

Before establishing a brand voice, keep the following in mind:

Consistency: To remain out the most, your brand’s new slogan, icon, or symbol should be accurate. Brands that change their slogans constantly face the risk of becoming lost in the rat race. As a result, once you’ve agreed on a certain niche for your company, the slogan and emblem should be selected as the sample.

Brand Name: This is not a minor consideration; the brand name should be memorable enough to grab people’s attention, and it must accurately describe the product. If you want to start a business in a highly competitive sector, picking the right brand name is critical to your success.

Branding: This can apply to a variety of places from which you can sell your company’s products, but it primarily pertains to efficiently branding your company throughout all social networking sites. You may immediately interact with your potential customers and gain daily feedback on your items by developing a solid digital presence for your company.

Interaction: Promote a strong interaction with your customers and stay updated on the introduction of new products that require the use of social sites. Following the latest digital marketing trends is the most effective approach to stay in touch with your customers and keep them interested in your company.

Icons and logos: Among the most important aspects of developing a suitable brand voice for your company is the use of icons and logos. People hunt for the icon or emblem that attracts them to a particular brand or company after hearing the brand’s name. As a result, if you’re starting a new firm, you’ll need to come up with a logo that creatively symbolises the company’s specialisation.

Developing the right brand voice may appear to be a difficult effort initially, but if you’ve found out the best advertising plan for your company or brand, this process can be quite beneficial to your company’s success.

Following these methods will help you develop a successful brand voice:

1. Select a catchy tagline:

Selecting a memorable and successful slogan for your company or brand is not one that should be taken for granted. Your firm’s tagline should represent the niche of your firm and give a rough understanding of the principles you believe in.

2. Take a look at your marketing technique:

Developing the ideal marketing approach that caters to the needs of your customer and your company aids in efficiently developing the brand’s visibility both digitally and on-site. Maintaining a good digital presence on social networking sites requires consistency.

3. Carry out a survey:

Only by conducting a thorough survey on the brand image will you be able to determine whether your product’s advertising successfully reaches your ideal customers. Understanding what your target audience thinks about your brand is critical to your country’s success.

4. Know who you’re trying to reach:

Whether you decide to put a product on the market, you should conduct extensive research to understand your potential audience’s needs and what they value most in a product.

These are some of the fundamental aspects of properly establishing your brand voice. Following these methods will put you on the right track to developing a strong digital presence for your brand or company.

Last Thoughts:

In today’s world, when customer competition is very high, it’s critical for entrepreneurs who want to build their own company to devise effective techniques for keeping their customers and target audiences interested in their products.

While social media sites have made it much simpler to sell your products and communicate with your potential customers continuously, firms must maintain the same level of enthusiasm to keep their digital presence. Among the most important aspects that can help your company stand out is developing an effective brand voice.

How to Make an Effective Pitch to Investors for Your App

How to Make an Effective Pitch to Investors for Your App

The app startup sector is full of intimidating difficulties, but for most, the biggest one is securing that first investment. We live in a world where we are constantly hearing about businesses receiving large sums of money in fundraising, which gives people the impression that money is being thrown at anyone with a good concept. This, of course, is not always the case.

A large part of my job at Messapps entails assisting potential clients in obtaining the finance they require. When a company does not receive the investment it seeks, it is usually due to one of two factors. They are as follows:

Being unprepared with financial projections

Not comprehending the fundamentals of pitching an app idea

As a result, it’s critical that we all go over what we need to include in our pitches in order to increase our chances of acquiring that app funding.

Make Your Prototype

Do you want someone to put money into your app? The first stage is to have a fully designed and functional prototype. Keep in mind that the app business is only a decade old, which means that many major investors still struggle to understand how an app might work unless they experience it for themselves.

Furthermore, creating a prototype demonstrates that you are more than just a thinker – you are serious about making this app available. Execution and dedication always trump ideas, and if you’re not prepared to put up the effort and money to create a true prototype, how can you expect others to put up their money to assist you take it to the world?

Making a prototype is less difficult than you might think:

  • First, design 1-3 core user stories (or the sequence of screens seen by the user prior to attaining their goal).
  • If you have the money, engage an app design and development company to assist you with the design. Are you short on cash? Use UI kits to quickly develop a user story using basic drag-and-drop pieces.
  • Run a prototype with InVision, and you’re ready to go!

A single day of labor, putting in the time and effort to create a prototype, can make a significant difference. It may mean the difference between a $1 million deal and struggling to get through the week’s grocery shopping. Next, consider how you will deliver your pitch. We’ve all seen how it’s done on Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den, but in real life, you rarely get to stand up in front of investors and show them your pre-prepared presentations!

At actuality, most pitches take place in an office or over a cup of coffee at a central cafe. Think again if you think your laptop and printouts will fit comfortably between your cup of tea and slice of cake. By opening up a prototype on your smartphone and walking them through your app, you can keep things simple, straightforward, and attractive.

Make a Development Plan

Assume for the moment that the investors are enthusiastic about your concept. If that’s the case, they’ll want to know what it takes to carry it out and see it through. App development can be accomplished in one of three ways:

  • You can create it yourself.
  • You have the option of hiring full-time developers.
  • You can enlist the help of an app development business.

The decision you make will be influenced by the extent of your task, your project budget, and the talents you presently possess. For example, if you’re a top-tier developer with the abilities and experience can polish up the app on your own in less than two months, go ahead and do it. However, that is uncommon in our field because both back-end and front-end coding will be necessary, and when was the last time you met a developer that was proficient in both?

Set about establishing a full-time development team if you have access to a large budget and know where to recruit exceptional developers. There are some drawbacks here: you’ll need to pay fair wages, and people can be untrustworthy (as I’m sure we all know).

Another option is to engage an app development business. This solution allows you to preserve all of your equity, avoid long-term obligations, and have access to a variety of developers and designers with the necessary abilities. The only significant disadvantage here is the price: as you are surely aware, app development firm prices range widely, from the very inexpensive to the exorbitantly costly.

Whatever method you choose, make a milestone based on milestones and associated costs. Examine the average salaries and speak with a few app development businesses to get a variety of quotations and a better understanding of your possibilities.

Having an app means you’re operating a business… therefore promote it!

The app market has numerous unique characteristics that set it distinct from other firms. For example, when you’re ready to launch, you’ll already have a distributor lined up who is eager to show off your app to the world. However, if you’re a breakfast cereal manufacturer, for example, you’ll have to jump through hoops and pay a variety of fees in order to gain shelf space in supermarkets. If you own a business that sells vehicle parts, you must pay for the real estate on which your firm is located, and so on.

Apps are vastly different. You already have your’real estate’ and shelf space, as well as income from the App Store, with your launch.

This actually causes some misunderstandings in people’s perceptions of apps. Many people believe that just since your software is displayed on the app store, the developer can sit back and collect the money. How could they be so wrong?

There are numerous acquisition tactics available. Here are a few of the most crucial:

  • Optimize your app for the App Store to ensure you rank high for essential keywords.
  • Launch a website with an email signup form to alert users when your launch is scheduled.
  • Set a budget for “cost per install” advertisements. These will allow you to pay just for consumers that download your software and install it on their phone.
  • Consider public beta tests, which may assist you in gaining early devoted users.
  • Use typical public relations techniques to reach out to blogs, publications, and influencers and ask them to write about your product.

Remember to research your competition and observe how they market their products. This will give you an estimate of your expenses and potential users. Furthermore, you should always have those numbers on available in case an investor inquires about them!

Remember the pitching rules.

Regardless of the variances described above, apps adhere to the basic pitching principles. Prepare your pitch deck effectively by explaining the problem(s) you’re tackling, as well as how you intend to solve it and the financial benefits you anticipate from your achievement.

Be a salesperson as well as a storyteller. Make certain that you are familiar with your numbers (but be sure to avoid slipping into boring accountant mode). Put your enthusiasm forward – and remember, it’s often not the concept that’s being invested in, but you as a creative, developer, and individual. If you’re excited and passionate about the figures and the execution, the rest of the puzzle should come into place.

It’s not always straightforward, and it sometimes take much longer than we’d want to acquire the correct investment. However, it is critical not to give up. Continue to put yourself out there, reaching out to new investors and building the necessary relationships. It’s only a matter of time before an investor provides you with the funding you require to make your ideas a reality.

Flutter Advantages and Disadvantages for Mobile App Developers

Flutter Advantages and Disadvantages for Mobile App Developers

Google I/O 2019 focused heavily on Flutter, announcing an almost overwhelming quantity of news regarding this technology. Here are a few examples:

  • Google has released a web preview version of Flutter. It’s no longer known as Hummingbird; it’s now known as Flutter Web (An example of Flutter Web is New York Times puzzle game)
  • Google released Flutter 1.12 with numerous enhancements (check out the Flutter changelog that documents noteworthy changes)
  • The most recent Flutter release includes functionality for creating Chrome OS applications.
  • Google has launched Dart 2.3, which includes new support for UI-as-code capabilities.

Flutter allows for the rapid and simple building of cross-platform mobile apps. You do not need to create separate iOS and Android apps. All you need is a single codebase to support both platforms.

Furthermore, Flutter:

  • Is open-source and free,
  • Is built on Dart, a quick, object-oriented programming language that is simple to learn in and of itself.
  • It will provide its own widgets, which will be produced using its own high-performance rendering engine. They are quick, attractive, and adaptable.
  • Flutter apps look and feel amazing because of the rich widgets (you can construct your own original app design, but you can also use widely available UI elements that adhere to certain platform rules). Check the post-Top Flutter-Created Apps.
  • Flutter’s architecture is based on today’s popular reactive programming (the same that React has been made from)
  • It’s becoming a strong rival to React Native, as well as native app development. Read the articles: Top innovative mobile app build using Flutter .

What is the point of Flutter? Top 7 Benefits for Mobile App Owners

The following are the most important benefits from the standpoint of an app owner: Flutter accelerates the mobile app development process, lowers app development costs, and assists your team in creating a beautiful app UI with seamless animations. Let’s take a closer look at it. We created the lists below with the help of Paulina Szklarska and Karol Wrótniak, two of our Android Developers who work with Flutter.

Also read : Flutter & its pros and cons ?

  • Faster code creation

Flutter enables faster and more dynamic mobile app development for developers. We can make changes to the code and immediately see the results in the app! This is known as a hot reload, which normally takes (milli)seconds and allows teams to add features, correct errors, and experiment more quickly. It is one of the features of Flutter that every top Flutter app development team adores.

Hot reload is particularly useful in developer-designer collaboration when we want to tweak or experiment with an app’s look and see the results right away. In other words, using Flutter, your designer or tester may collaborate with a developer on the UI, suggesting adjustments – for example, “Put it 2 pixels right” or “Make the animation faster” – and immediately see the results.

  • A single code for two platforms

Developers build a single codebase for your two apps, which span both the Android and iOS platforms. Because it has its own widgets and designs, Flutter does not rely on the platform. This means you have the identical app on two different platforms. However, it is vital to note that if you want to differentiate your apps, it is doable.

  • Fewer tests

It implies less testing if you have the same software for two platforms! The Quality Assurance procedure might be sped up. Because of the shared codebase, developers only need to write automated tests once. Furthermore, because there is just one app to test, Quality Assurance specialists have less work to complete. Of course, if your apps differ in any way, they must be evaluated on both platforms.

  • Apps that run faster

Flutter apps run smoothly and quickly, with no stuttering or clipping while scrolling. Read this article if you want to know why and how it works from a technical standpoint. Also, have a look at this fantastic article in the Flutter documentation that discusses best practises for app speed.

  • Designs that your customers will appreciate

Flutter is designed to make it simple to create your own widgets or modify existing ones. You may browse a catalogue of Flutter widgets here and see examples such as Material Design widgets and Cupertino widgets.

Is there anything negative about Flutter- Let’s dig into that-

  • Libraries and support are impressive, but not as extensive as in native programming.

Google’s support for Flutter is excellent, and there are numerous useful libraries with ready-to-implement capabilities. However, Flutter is still in its early stages, and these libraries may not provide all of the functionality you require. This means that your developers would have to build them themselves, which could take a long time.

  • Help with Continuous Integration

Codemagic, a new CI/CD system for Flutter applications, was announced at Flutter Live 2018.

Bitrise released the full-featured Flutter CI in January 2019.

It’s worth noting that one of our team members, Karol, is constantly working on the Flutters build phase for Bitrise. The most recent edition added the ability to create appbundles for Android releases (read more about it here).