Decoding The Incredible Scalability Of Disney+Hotstar App: System Structure, Concurrency & More

Decoding The Incredible Scalability Of Disney+Hotstar App: System Structure, Concurrency & More

On August 28th, 2022, when India was playing against Pakistan at Asia Cup T20 Championship in Dubai, further than1.3 crore or 13 million people were coincidently watching the match on the Disney Hotstar OTT app, on a global basis.

10 million concurrent observers, on a single mobile app, with a global followership is in fact, not a record. It’s25.3 million concurrent observers on Disney Hotstar App, which happened in 2019 during India vs New Zealand World CupSemi-Final match.

A world record, because active observers on a single mobile app, at this scale and magnitude have infrequently happened.

How did Disney Hotstar manage this feat?

In this blog, we will discuss how Disney Hotstar ensures this inconceivable scalability of the app by understanding and decrypting its system armature, concurrency, scalability models and further.

But first, a brief preface to the world’s second- biggest, and India’s# 1 OTT platform Disney Hotstar.

Disney Hotstar An preface

The trip started with the launch of the Hotstar app, in 2015, which was developed by Star India. The 2015 Cricket World Cup was about to start, along with the 2015 IPL event, and Star network wanted to completely subsidise the insane viewership.

While Hotstar generated a massive 345 million views for the World Cup, 200 million views were generated for the IPL Tournament.

This was before the Jio launch, which happened in 2016. And watching television series and matches on the mobile was still at an incipient stage. The foundation was set.

The preface of Reliance Jio’s telecom network changed Internet operation in India, and this changed everything for Hotstar.

By 2017, Hotstar had 300 million downloads, making them the world’s alternate- biggest OTT app, only below Netflix.

In 2019, Hotstar was acquired by Disney, as part of their 21st Century Fox accession, and the app was rebranded to Disney Hotstar.

As of now, Disney Hotstar has 400 million downloads, with a whooping stoner base of 300 million active yearly druggies, and 100 million diurnal active druggies. nearly 1 billion twinkles of videos are watched on the app daily.

The 2019 IPL event was watched by 267 million Disney Hotstar druggies, and in 2020, a record 400 billion twinkles of content was viewed during the IPL matches.

In India, Disney Hotstar has a veritably violent focus on indigenous content, as further than 60% of the content is viewed in original languages. This is the reason they support 8 Indian languages, with plans to expand this number. The same strategy is visible in other countries as well, with deep focus on indigenous content, along with regular English content.

They’ve,000 hours of content for observers, and India accounts for roughly 40% of their overall stoner base.

As of now, Disney Hotstar is available in India, US, UK, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand and by 2023, they will launch in Vietnam.

Backend of Disney Hotstar

The platoon behind Disney Hotstar has assured an important backend by choosing Amazon Web Services or AWS for their hosting, while their CDN mate is Akamai.

nearly 100% of their business is supported by EC2 cases & S3 Object store is stationed for the data store.

At the same time, they use an admixture of on- demand & spot cases to ensure that the costs are controlled. For spot cases, they use machine literacy & data analytics algorithms which drastically reduces their overall charges of managing the backend.

AWS EMR Clusters is the service they use to reuse terabytes of data( in double- number) on a diurnal base. Note then, that AWS EMR is a managed Hadoop frame for recycling massive data across all EC2 cases.

In some cases, they also use Apache Spark, Presto, HBase fabrics in- sync with AWS EMR.

The core of scalability structure setup

Then are some intriguing details about their structure setup for cargo testing, just before an important event similar to IPL matches.

The entire setup of the Disney Hotstar structure has 16 TBs of RAM, 8000 CPU cores, with a peak speed of 32 Gbps for data transfer. This is the scale of their operations, which ensures that millions of druggies are suitable to coincidently pierce live streaming on their app.

Note then, that C4X cases are really high CPU- ferocious operations, icing a low price- per- cipher rate. With C4X cases, the app has high networking performance and optimal storehouse performance at no fresh cost.

Disney Hotstar uses these Android factors for having a important structure( and to keep the design approximately coupled for further inflexibility)

ViewModel For communicating with the network subcaste and filling the final result in 

  • LiveData.
  • Room
  • LifeCycleObserver
  • RxJava 2
  • Dagger 2 and Dagger Android
  • AutoValue
  • Glide 4
  • Gson
  • Chuck Interceptor For icing nippy and easy debugging of all network requests, when the biases aren’t connected with the network.

How does Disney Hotstar ensure flawless scalability?

There live principally two models to insure flawless scalability Business grounded and Graduation grounded.

In business- grounded scaling, the tech platoon simply adds new waiters and structure to the pool, as the number of requests being reused by the system keeps on adding.

Graduation- grounded scaling is decided in those cases, wherein the details and the nature of the new processes aren’t clear. In similar cases, the tech platoon of Disney Hotstar haspre-defined graduations per million concurrent druggies.

As further requests are reused by the system, new structure in terms of graduations is added.

As of now, the Disney Hotstar app has a concurrency buffer of 2 million concurrent druggies, which are, as we know, optimally employed during the peak events similar as World Cup matches or IPL events.

In case the number of druggies goes beyond this concurrency position, also it takes 90 seconds to add new structure to the pool, and the vessel and the operation take 74 seconds to start.

In order to handle this time pause, the platoon has apre-provisioned buffer, which is the contrary of bus- scaling and has proven to be a better option.

The platoon also has an in- erected dashboard called Infra Dashboard, which helps the platoon to make smart opinions, grounded on the concurrency situations, and vaticination models of new druggies, during an important event.

By using fractions, the platoon behind Disney Hotstar has assured modularity to the coming position.

Then are some of the features that a typical runner holds

  • Player
  • Vertically and horizontally scrolling lists, which display other contents. Now, the type of data being displayed and the UI of these lists varies grounded on what type of content it is.
  • Watch and Play, Emojis.
  • Heatmap and crucial Moments.
  • Different type player Regulators. — Live, Advertisements, VoD( occurrences, pictures etc.)
  • Different type of announcement formats
  • Nudge to ask the stoner to login.
  • Nudge to ask stoner to pay for All Live Sports
  • Chromecast
  • Content Description
  • Error View and further

Planting intelligent customer for flawless performance

On occasions when quiescence in response is increased for the operation customer and the backend is overwhelmed with new requests, also there are established protocols, which absorb this unforeseen swell.

For example, in similar cases, the intelligent customer designedly increases the time interval between posterior requests, and the backend is suitable to get some respite.

For the end- druggies, there exists hiding & intelligent protocols, which ensures that they aren’t suitable to separate this purposeful time- pause, and the stoner experience isn’t hampered.

Besides, the Infradashboard continuously observes and reports every single severe error and fatal exception passing on millions of bias, and either they’re remedied in real- time, or emplace a retry medium for icing flawless performance.

This was just the tip of the icicle!

still, its system armature, database armature, If you wish to know further about how Disney Hotstar operates.

With further than 13 times of experience in accelerating business dexterity & stimulating digital metamorphosis for startups, enterprises, and SMEs, Winklix is a colonist in this space.

Legal Issues To Consider : Mobile App Development 2021

Legal Issues To Consider : Mobile App Development 2021

Everyone’s dream choice while having  mobile app development is to have technical giant app which user feels attractive to use and hence will succeed . However have you wondered why it is equally important to consider legal aspects of the app even during initial stage of app development ? 

It is because each of the mobile app development life cycle may attract legal issues for you and in order to get yourself secured , you must take care of legal part in your app development as well . In this article , we will guide you about critical legal issues which might deviate your mind if not properly handled with care.

NDA ( Non Disclosure Agreement ) 

NDA or non-disclosure agreement is legally valid document under which parties bind themselves to not to disclose / share confidential information with any other person . That is the reason why we always encourage our clients to sign NDA even before sharing any of their business idea with us .
We can say NDA is one among few steps available to protect your product concept . You may challenge the agreement in courts if any party breaches its terms and condition . But wait , NDA is not just simple documents , rather it must include points which make it more informative are some of them are :

  • Definition of Confidential Information : It is proven to be beneficial for parties to specify all confidential information which may or may not be limited to financial data , know-how , show-how , operating , marketing or trade data .  In addition to it it should also include information concerning to products , its ideas , solution and other confidential information . 
  • Obligation of other party: Obligation of other party needs to be defined in advance including confidentiality clause as well as obligations involved in accordance to with other party can disclose information to its staff .
  • Choice of laws : While signing of any NDA , always try to write jurisdiction under which you will feel comfortable to contract .
  • Penalties : You should also write about the penalties it involved in case of breach of contract . It may be in monetary terms or fix sum of money .
  • Term : As per general rules of law , any NDA is valid for the term of 2, 3 or 5 years . Hence it is your sole choice for the information you want to protect . As the case may be , you may get involved in contract . 
  • Obligation to return : You must include obligation to return information in case you want to or willing to switch to any other party .

Independent Contract Agreement    

Contract agreement is concerned about points which you should mention before starting of with software development company . This agreement should be draft in a way that if will help you in guiding the process of cooperation in its entire duration of contract and what if situation in case of doubt and conflicts. That is the reason it is proven beneficial to write step by step how collaboration will move . For instance say it is worth mentioning which methodology your app developer will follow , eg agile methodology . In brief it should include the following : 

  • Methodology of cooperation : It should include how cooperation will work to come up with result which is favourable to both the parties . It will also mention tools which you will be used , preferred methods of communication as well as procedure for arranging meetings .
  • Force majeure : In case of unpredicted pandemic situation or force majeure which might occur due to unavoidable circumstances then you must define the outcomes and mutual binding of it .
  • Exit plan : It is another beneficial points as it defined the exits plans if plan does not go according to plan has been specified in agreement and bth parties want to withdraw before the planned duration . It is worth including information about who will be owner of existing code , what will be payment due dates and penalties and so on. 

Privacy Policy & Protection Of Data 

Wondering what legal requirements you have to meet in connection with your data protection at personalised level ? 
Protecting of your’s user personal data is one of the primary thing to focus on which is Las common cause to attract legal obligations . This requirements various from country to country . For instance say if you are planning to launch your app in European markets , you must adhere to GDPR compliances , while in case of USA , you need to take care of Children’s online privacy protection act. 
This requirements also depends on in which industry your app is focus on . For instance Healthcare sector app must have HIPPA compliant . Since it is complex task and may require lawyer interference to draft proper agreement in app development process . In case of any data leaks , it will be app owner who will be held responsible for the same , hence it should be taken care with utmost priority .
Tips to fulfil personal data obligation :

  • Collect only limited amount of user data which is meant for your app only 
  • Don’t ever try to sell or use data for the purpose other than for which you have collected data for 
  • Make sure that your data is being seen by your authorised person only who make necessary use of it
  • Always showcase users that their data is protected with them and is in safe hands 
  • Try to maintain documents of data received or you have so that if asked can be provided by you immediately. 

Terms & Condition 

Terms and condition as in case of privacy policy varies from country to country . You must specify following points while writing terms and condition in contract : 

  • It is beneficial to include basic information about your company in general terms and condition 
  • Conditions of service provision :  In terms and condition define in advance your app working , its registration conditions as well as when agreement is concludes and terminated between both parties . Apart from it also mention your use of app as well as tech slacks about languages used along with conditions in which users account will be blocked 
  • End user license agreement : This is concerned with binding users with your terms and condition while using your mobile app 
  • Complaint processing : In terms and condition , try to include the process to handle and hear complaints as well as ways in which customer can contact you in case of need . 
  • Limitation of liability : Define your liability in advance and make it clear to users . It will help you building trust among your users .

App Store Requirements   

What is the use of mobile app if it has not been published on App Store or Google play store ? No body is going to download the same and all your investment will go into veins . That is the reason why your app should comply with all guidelines from Google and Apple to publish your app on their stores . All these policies focus on personal data protection as well as intellectual property rights .


Any mobile app development is complex project and involves various process . It is always beneficial to considerer all aspects involved in development of app which includes legal factors at initial starting . This will aid you to carry on your app to reach larger marketplace without facing any hurdle which may become obstacle in your success journey if not taken care of .