What is micro-services in mobile app development ?

What is micro-services in mobile app development ?

Mobile app development has undergone a revolution in recent years, and one of the latest trends that have emerged is the use of microservices. Microservices have been around for a while, and they are not just limited to mobile app development, but they have gained a lot of popularity in recent years due to the need for scalability and agility. In this blog, we will explore what microservices are and how they can benefit mobile app development.

What are Microservices?

Microservices are an architectural approach to developing software applications that involve breaking down a large application into smaller, independent services. Each service is created to carry out a particular task, and they all interact with one another via clearly defined APIs.

The microservices architecture approach is different from the traditional monolithic architecture, where the entire application is built as a single, large unit. In contrast, microservices architecture allows each service to be developed, tested, and deployed independently, without affecting the other services in the system.

The idea behind microservices is to make the development process more agile and flexible, as changes and updates can be made to specific services without affecting the entire system. This approach also makes it easier to scale applications, as each service can be scaled independently based on its usage patterns.

Microservices can be developed using a variety of programming languages and technologies and can run on different platforms, including cloud environments. The use of microservices has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the development of complex and scalable applications, such as web applications, mobile apps, and IoT devices.

Benefits of Microservices in the Development of Mobile Apps

Microservices architecture has gained significant popularity in mobile app development due to its many benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of using microservices in mobile app development:

  1. Scalability: Microservices architecture allows individual services to be scaled independently, which is more cost-effective and efficient than scaling the entire app. This is especially important for mobile apps, as they may experience spikes in usage that require rapid scaling.
  2. Flexibility: Microservices architecture allows for more flexibility in mobile app development, as each service can be developed and updated independently. This allows for faster development and deployment of new features, as well as easier maintenance and updates.
  3. Improved resilience: Microservices architecture improves the resilience of mobile apps, if one service fails, it does not bring down the entire app. This allows other services to continue functioning, providing a better user experience.
  4. Better performance: Microservices architecture can improve the performance of mobile apps, as individual services can be optimized for specific functions. This may result in quicker load times and improved performance in general.
  5. Easier testing: Microservices architecture allows for easier testing of mobile apps, as individual services can be tested independently. This can improve the quality of the app and reduce the risk of bugs and other issues.
  6. Improved security: Microservices architecture can improve the security of mobile apps, as each service can have its security measures in place. This can reduce the risk of security breaches and other vulnerabilities.
  7. Faster time-to-market: Microservices architecture enables faster time-to-market for mobile apps as developers can work independently on individual microservices. This enables more frequent releases and updates to meet changing market needs.
  8. Cost-effective: Microservices architecture can be more cost-effective for mobile app development as developers can focus on individual microservices rather than a larger monolithic architecture. This reduces the time and resources needed for development and maintenance.

Also read : What is native mobile app development ?

Microservices in Mobile App Development

Mobile app development is no longer just about building an app on a single platform. Today, businesses need to deliver a seamless experience across multiple platforms, devices, and operating systems. Microservices architecture is well-suited to meet these requirements, 

Using Microservices in Mobile App Development

Mobile app development can be complex, and microservices can help simplify the process. Here are some ways microservices can be used in mobile app development:

  1. Backend Services: Microservices can be used to develop backend services such as user authentication, payment processing, and data storage. These services can be developed independently and integrated into the mobile app.
  2. Modular Architecture: Microservices can be used to develop a modular architecture for mobile apps, making it easier to add new features or update existing ones without affecting the entire app.
  3. Faster Development: Microservices enable faster development because developers can work on individual services simultaneously, rather than working on a single monolithic application.
  4. Improved User Experience: Microservices can improve the user experience by enabling faster load times and reducing app crashes.

Steps to Implement Microservices in Mobile App Development  

Implementing microservices in mobile app development can be a complex process, but breaking it down into smaller steps can make it more manageable. Here are ten steps to follow when implementing microservices in mobile app development:

  1. Identify the core functionality of your app: Start by identifying the core functionality of your app and breaking it down into smaller, more manageable components. This will help you determine which parts of the app can be developed as microservices.
  2. Determine the boundaries of each microservice: Once you have identified the components of your app, determine the boundaries of each microservice. This will help you determine how each service will communicate with other services and the rest of the app.
  3. Define the APIs for each microservice: Define the APIs for each microservice, which will allow other services and the app to communicate with it.
  4. Choose a technology stack: Choose a technology stack for each microservice, which may include different programming languages, frameworks, and databases.
  5. Develop each microservice independently: Develop each microservice independently, using the technology stack chosen for that service.
  6. Test each microservice independently: Test each microservice independently to ensure that it is functioning correctly and communicating with other services and the app as expected.
  7. Deploy each microservice independently: Deploy each microservice independently, which may involve using containers, such as Docker, or a cloud-based service, such as AWS or Google Cloud.
  8. Implement service discovery and load balancing: Implement service discovery and load balancing to ensure the app can locate and communicate with each microservice as needed.
  9. Implement monitoring and logging: Implement monitoring and logging to ensure that you can monitor the performance and availability of each microservice.
  10. Continuously iterate and improve: Continuously iterate and improve each microservice, based on user feedback and analytics, to ensure that it is meeting the needs of your users and the app as a whole.

Also read : How to bring modernity in business by micro services development ?


Microservices architecture is a powerful tool for mobile app development. It offers several benefits such as scalability, flexibility, faster time-to-market, improved resilience, and cost-effectiveness. With microservices, businesses can build apps that are responsive to user needs, can handle increasing demand, and are tailored to their specific requirements. As mobile app development continues to evolve, microservices will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of mobile apps.

Ways to reserve app name for your Android and iOS apps ?

Ways to reserve app name for your Android and iOS apps ?

No one anticipated that the importance of picking the best name for the company would increase so much with the development of technology and the techniques of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and ASO (App Store Optimisation).

The same holds true for the app’s name. Business owners must not only choose the best name for their company but also reserve it.

In fact, it’s one of the foundational achievements for a company wishing to grow in the eCommerce sector. You can either reserve an app name first, then construct a WordPress mobile app, or the other way around.

However, there are a few rules to follow and considerations to keep in mind when you go about reserving the name for the Android and iOS apps.

Keep reading to find the finest advice for naming your app. Be the upcoming big thing in your industrial segment by reserving the name of your preferred app.

The importance of selecting the ideal app name

Let’s start by studying the importance of selecting the correct app name before learning how to reserve an app name.

Although the significance of this issue much exceeds the confines of this article, we have attempted to provide you with some highlights in the paragraphs that follow:

#1: Creates a brand’s identity

The name is no longer just a descriptor given at random. It carries the brand’s identity and establishes the authority and recognition of the brand.

Every time a consumer hears or reads the name, they should immediately recognize it. As a result, a name that is simple to remember eventually develops into a brand that is simple to remember.

#2: Emphasises the objective of the app

The name communicates the purpose and goal of the app in addition to reflecting the brand’s identity. The brand name should be chosen with consideration for what it implies or stands for.

In reality, it could also be associated with the market segment or category to which the app belongs. For instance, the word “game” is frequently used in the name of gaming apps in one form or another.

#3: Strengthens ASO initiatives

Utilizing the ASO potential of your website depends heavily on the name of your mobile app. It improves the app’s rating and visibility and aids in app store optimization attempts.

In fact, it can be really helpful if your app’s name contains a keyword, either whole or partially. However, you must also make sure that it matches your brand’s domain name and website name.

Android app name Reservations

With Google Play Store, it is simpler to reserve a desired app name. You have more choices and can even use a name that someone else has previously taken.

Since Android supports numerous apps with the same name, it’s possible to utilize the name without having to reserve it. However, we advise you to avoid copying or plagiarism and come up with a name that is particular to your brand.

Keep in mind that the Google Play Store only permits names to contain up to 30 characters. In order to avoid the app name being truncated when users view it on the store, try to keep it brief.

In addition, you will need to reserve a domain name for your app and enter the name or URL of any Facebook, Twitter, or other social network pages that are related to it.

As a result, consider these considerations as well while choosing a name for your app. Submit the app name after having your identification and contact information verified.

If your app’s name is “My Business,” you should ideally align and correct the other issues as suggested below:

  • Domain Name: mybusiness.com
  • Facebook Page Name: facebook.com/mybusiness

IOS app name Reservations

While creating an iOS app has been easier thanks to app developers, reserving a name for an iOS app can be trickier than it is for Android apps that are uploaded to the Google Play Store. In truth, Apple has severe policies against plagiarism and program name replication.

You should start by browsing the app store to make sure the name you have picked is not already in use because it only permits and allots unique app names. If so, try combining relative and derived words or come up with a completely new term.

You can proceed to reserve it for yourself if there isn’t an app on the App Store with a name that is exactly similar. Now you know why it’s crucial to reserve the app name.

You must strategically use the 50 characters allotted for names on the Apple App Store. In fact, the app name for the iOS and Android versions should be the same, so keep it to 30 characters or less.

You can reserve a name for your iOS app by following the instructions below.

Visit itunesconnect.apple.com and sign in to your Apple account.

Add your new app by going to “My Apps”

Observe the rules and include the information

Finally, click “Create” to complete reserving the app name.

How to choose the ideal app name

App nomenclature calls for some special direction and understanding of the finer intricacies. To guarantee your app has the best name possible, use the advice and suggestions below:

#1: Conduct research and brainstorming first.

Researching extensively is the first step in selecting the perfect name. Look at the naming techniques that your rivals and industry titans employed for their apps. 

You can also try to determine the preferences of your target market by looking at the most popular names. Ask if they prefer long or short names, portmanteaux, or other alphanumeric combinations. Check what complements your brand, then make your decision.

#2: Align the concept with industry standards

With a few notable and unique exceptions, most app names correspond to the sector they are intended for. The name should not only reflect your brand, website, and domain name, but it should also inform users of the function and app category.

For instance, the name of Google’s navigation program, Google Maps, sums up its main function in a single word. You can, however, make a few changes and add some spice to make your own thunder and buzz.

#3: Highlight the Benefits of the app

The name of the app might also highlight one of its key features or even sound like a feature. It may discuss what the app performs or what action it can encourage users to do. For instance: The “Messenger” App from Facebook is all about chatting, sending messages, and interacting with other users.

This can be enhanced and highlighted in the app to draw even more attention to it. When someone says “Google it” or “WhatsApp it,” for instance, they are actually referring to the features of Google and WhatsApp. Because of how catchy the titles of these apps are, they have over time evolved into genuine action words and phrases.

#4: Pay attention to access and discovery

You must consider the app’s usability and discoverability as you search for the ideal name. The users’ thoughts shouldn’t have to work too hard to process the name. Choose a name that is straightforward, approachable, and memorable so you don’t have to set up a tongue-twister competition.

In general, you can use any name for your app as long as it is appropriate and simple to spell, type, pronounce, and retain. Keep the name as brief and impactful as you can, and try to avoid using special characters and symbols.

#5: Obtain feedback and complete

Even if you are always the best judgment, it never hurts to occasionally get a second or third opinion. In fact, you can run your own app name with others in the same way that you test its features and functionalities using A/B testing.

Reduce the list of potential app names to two or three, then make them publicly available. Ask for thorough input on the suggested names before settling on the one that tops them all. Finally, you’ll have a name for your app that will carry the destiny and success of your company.


In conclusion, choosing a name for your app is an important step toward building your brand identity. Conduct thorough research, choose a unique, short and simple, and descriptive name, and reserve the name early to avoid any legal issues. By following these strategies, you can create a name for your app that is memorable, discoverable, and stands out from the crowd.

Process of creating an inclusive apps ?

Process of creating an inclusive apps ?

Mobile application improvement is an interaction that draws a ton from customary programming advancement. In any case, zeroing in on making programming exploits the unique elements of cell phone equipment.

The clearest situation for building a Mobile application is taking a work area-based application and bringing it to a cell phone. Be that as it may, as the application turns out to be more hearty, this strategy can become hazardous.

A superior methodology includes growing explicitly for the Mobile climate. A procedure exploits every one of the advantages cell phones offers. The interaction considers its limits and assists entrepreneurs with offsetting costs with usefulness.

For example, in applications that utilize area-based highlights, maps are constantly worked starting from the earliest stage given portable. Region set-up organizations passed with deference on to a workspace application have less purpose since workspace clients aren’t moving close.

Present-day cell phones and tablets are furnished with Bluetooth, Near Field Communication (NFC), GPS, gyroscopic sensors, cameras, and more. Engineers can utilize these highlights to make applications with innovations like Virtual or Increased Reality, standardized identification checking, area-based administrations, and more. The best and most well-known Mobile applications use cell phone highlights in an ideal manner.

What are the Technologies used in Mobile App Development?

For a clear understanding of Mobile Application Development some of the technologies which businesses make clear mind before building an app are

Native App-Such applications are worked for a Single Mobile working framework. That is the reason they’re called Native – they’re local to a specific stage or gadget. Most versatile applications today are worked for frameworks like Android or iOS. To spread it out clearly, you can’t present and use an Android application on iPhone, as well as the reverse way around.

The fundamental advantage of Native applications is their elite presentation and phenomenal client experience. All things considered, designers who construct them utilize local gadget UI. Admittance to a wide scope of APIs likewise assists with speeding up the improvement work and broadening the limits of application utilization. Native applications are downloaded from app stores and introduced straightforwardly into devices. 

The drawback of native applications is higger costs as these applications are built and maintained on a single platform which requires a dedicated development team that may result in higger costs for the project.

Web Apps- Web applications are programming applications that act in much the same way as local versatile applications and work on cell phones. Be that as it may, there are massive contrasts between local applications and web applications. First of all, web applications use programs to run, and they’re generally written in CSS, HTML5, or JavaScript.Such applications redirect the client to the URL and a while later proposition them the decision to present the application. They fundamentally make a bookmark on their page. That is the explanation they require the least contraption memory.

Since the individual data sets will all save money on the server, clients can utilize the application if they have a web association. This is the fundamental disadvantage of web applications – they generally require a decent web association. In any case, you risk conveying a shoddy client experience.

Additionally, designers don’t have that numerous APIs to work with, aside from the most famous highlights like geolocation. The exhibition will be connected to program work and organization association too.

Hybrid Apps- Hybrid applications fundamentally work like web applications camouflaged in a Native App.

Hybrid applications are simple and quick to create, which is an unmistakable advantage. You similarly get a single codebase for all of the stages. This cuts down the cost of help and streamlines the invigorating framework. Planners can in like manner exploit various APIs for features like whirligig or geolocation.

Then again, Hybrid applications might need speed and execution. Likewise, you could encounter some plan issues as the application probably won’t appear to be identical in at least two stages.

What are the Basic Stages Involved in App Development?

The basic Stages Involved in Mobile App Development are:

  • Picking a Partner- select an organization to plan and create your application

Exploration, examination, and choosing an organization to participate in your item with. Signing a contract Agreement

  • Item Disclosure – characterize what you need to make, for who, and why

Explain your application’s vision, and characterize your item’s objectives and its clients. Concluding which elements are the most urgent in making your MVP. Helpful devices: Item Material, Personas, Prioritization Outline.

  • UX/UI application plan – decide how your application The beneficiation and look

Make a Client Journey Guide, interactive wireframes, visual UIs, and movement plan (animations and screen changes).

  • Project start-off and arrangement – last arrangements before the beginning of application Development

PO becomes acquainted with the improvement group as well as the other way around. Characterizing each job in the group, settling on rules, and following stages, as well as designing apparatuses.

  • Application improvement with Quality Confirmation Application creation with Ceaseless Coordination: plan, code, fabricate, test (and rehash). Guaranteeing Quality Confirmation at each phase of application improvement with manual and robotized tests.
  • Planning and distributing of the application on Google Play Store and Apple Store

Delivering incorporates transferring resources expected by regulations and limited time materials, beta testing, enhancing the item page/store presence, and everything your application endorsement necessities to go as flawlessly as could be expected.

  • Post-improvement stage – application support and further turn of events

Identifying crashes, observing application’s insights, item upgrade, and further turn of events. Your application stays alluring and adjusts to changing economic situations and clients’ Reviews.

What all Frameworks are used in Mobile Application Development?

Some of the Best Mobile Applications Development frameworks used and helpful in both Android and IOS development are 

  • React Native– It is assembled and upheld by Facebook and is an available, cross-stage application advancement system that has in no time turned into the favored choice of software engineers. React Native works with the advancement of Android and iOS portable applications. The most commendable occurrences of React Native applications are those from conspicuous organizations like Tesla, Airbnb, Skype, and Amazon Prime.

React Native is on the rundown of the best versatile application advancement systems. It takes into consideration building stage explicit forms of numerous elements empowering simple utilization of a solitary codebase across all stages.

Benefits of React Native

Maximum Code Reusability

Faster Development

Exceptional Performace

  • Flutter– It is an open and free system from Google that permits you to make local Android and iOS applications with a straightforward codebase.

It’s a noteworthy SDK for cross-stage application improvement, which recognizes it since it takes a clever approach to make local-like applications. It’s an unparalleled and trustworthy cell phone UI system for quickly creating appealing applications by speeding up improvement.

Benefits of Flutter

visuals are that are both appealing and engaging.

Cross Platform

Native Performance

  • Xamarin- Xamarin is an elective cross-stage application improvement structure for creating applications for Android and iOS. Since they use the C# programming language, the applications need fewer lines of code. Thus, the most common way of coding is faster. Likewise, it permits us to quickly move the contents across different frameworks, like Windows and macOS.

Benefits of Xamarin

Rapid Advancement 

Compatability with various devices

  • Swiftic- Swiftic is a DIY versatile application stage that tries to make it simple for anyone to construct extraordinary applications for their organization. It streamlines application improvement by permitting software engineers to coordinate current material from the web instead of beginning new.

Benefits of Swiftic

Collaboration and route are basic.

Solid combination with different gatherings

  • Iconic– Ionic is an express structure for creating Moderate Web Applications, Hybrid, and cross-stage Mobile applications. Ionic is an available structure that utilizes Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) in addition to Rakish to empower software engineers to make Android and iOS applications that flawlessly work together.

Benefits of Iconic

User interface is consistent 

Flexibility of the User