How To Protect Your User Data ?

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When you own a website or an app , the very first things that comes in your mind is how secured is the user data . The more you concern about data security , the better you will be able to provide product or services thereby growing your traffic and conversion rate .

Any company storing user information must be concern about data security not being leaked or hacked . In this concern any mobile app development company have to concern a bit more about this as mobile app developers stores data in database which makes repository one stop for hackers .

Encryption is the best tool in order to protect any data from getting leaked . The data leak is a big big concern taking place in the world . The world has opened their eyes on 5th April , 2018 when Facebook has faced biggest data leaks . Personal information of as many as 87 million people has been explored to world .

After many data leaks outcome , developers have only option to build stronger perimeter to protect a data , otherwise you must store a data that is not useful for anyone while accessing it .

Mobile devices always asks for user information , and that is the reason finding the right data security measure is necessary to store information .Most mobile devices upload the information to cloud server as soon as they get the data from the user , thus sending it to the more secured cloud server and leaving the physical device .

But always keep in mind , don’t store all piece of information on the cloud , as this also opens doors for the hackers to get useful information . Developer is the right person to decide which information is necessary and to be stores in the online server and which information is irrelevant for hackers and can be stores locally .

Also encryption or scramble of data is also a good strategy for data protection , thus making readability of data difficult , but useful for those who are working on the same .

Some of the techniques for database protection are :

  • Consider using SHA-3 option : Many developers know this technique of using cryptographic hash functionality to scramble password .
  • Scrambling everything is not necessary : Scramble of all the data is useless . Usually name , email and password should be scramble .

So the best way out of data leaks is to scramble data before it leaves the mobile , and the centrally stores cloud server will have access to information and will protect almost all information form leaking .

If you want to know anything more about data protection or software development

needs , you can right away contact us .

How Automobile Industry Is Influenced By IoT

iot app developer india

The Internet of Things is a technology that is making a buzz in every possible form it can . The IoT that we see in present world is just the glimpse of the technology , and there is lot more to come in near future . Automobile is one of those industry that has adopted IoT to discover many aspects from it . So the million dollar question arises here is what are the infinite possibilities with this technology and what can we expect in the near future ?

The Automobile-IoT In The Past

There are various automated and semi automated features that exists for over a decades in automobile industry . For instance , the GPS system that we use was introduced in late 60’s by General Motors – American Automotive Giant for its driver aid programme that was similar to the concept of modern GPS system , but was based on ground based infrared system rather than modern satellite system, .
Later in 90’s General Motors in association with OnStar was successfully able to implement navigation system in CDMA phone , which has now become an obsolete one .

The Smart Cars Of Today

From the age of using circuits to going digital in present world , drastic change has been seen . 21st century has aid us in seeing the technologies that we have only thought of . Navigation  , Cab Services , Entertainment are just some of the aspects of the modern technology in car . There has been endless possibilities once the software application have started connecting with mobile devices . It is the outcome of the technology war for the things with which we are living today , and the war is still going on to discover endless possibilities . The self driven car that no one have either think of has been bought into life in distant future and its creditability is improving day by day .
Automotive industry has got boost and the result of which is automated features and better access .

Self Driven Cars

There are few self driven cars available today like Google’s Waymo , Tesla cars and more . Tesla cars has recently announced that all its cars will be self driven which we can say is a huge step towards a house of automated products .

Many More Things Yet To Be Discovered

IoT has just taken its first step in the technology market , and it has to driven millions of kilometre ahead to harness its full functionality . The things done so far is remarkable and will help in creating more things in future . But this is the known fact that idea of self driven car will take over decades to come into effect in reality . IT industry is trying hard to build something great in near future .
In case you are looking for IoT app developer , you can right away contact Winklix .

Integrated ERP And CRM Why It Matters ?


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) are awesome to handle all the organisation needs , and even gots better integrated . Let’s have a look at both of the software packages that can be proven beneficial for business .

Get The ROI As Desired

The very first thing that any business owner is looking for is Return on Investment (ROI) . Integrating ERP and CRM in any organisation will defiantly increase the ROI as it efficiency manage the gap between employees and internal management together with customer management . This solution streamline difference between various department so that every department can work efficiently without any communication gap , and hence increasing productivity , sales and profit of the organisation .

Data All Stores Centrally

Wouldn’t it be great when your sales team can access the data of your billing and accounts department ? It is all possible because of centralised database in CRM and ERP system , thereby saving your response time and energy .

Centralised database also reduced duplicate entry . It means as soon as you enter the information in CRM system , it will automatically be integrated into ERP system immediately and vice a versa , thus keeping all department on same phase without any miscommunication .

Reduce Training And IT Cost

Using easy to use fully integrated ERP and CRM solution can always be proven smart choice for any organisation . The very first thing it saves is employees time , which can be used more productively somewhere else . At the same time , all employees will be trained under one common system .

While implementing any software solution in the organisation , the main thing which matter it IT department cost . By integrating with the software package from mass scale of vendors like SalesForce CRM or SAP ERP , any company don’t have to worry about integration process as they are already ready to use , thus saving development and testing time which will be occurred once they make it for scratch .

Order And Quote Management

A well integrated ERP and CRM software facilitate employees to get to know what’s happening in the organisation . For instance the backend department and the account department will automatically get the information about the new order taking place through sales department . Also customer and employees will able to see the progress of their projects , and any points can be discussed with the customer directly .

For companies who are just trying to bridge the gap between different department , some integrate CRM and ERP solution can really do some wonder for them as it brings all department together .

All United Powerful Support Team

A customer can get all the support tickets solved across different departments from one place rather can communicating with each and every department individually .

When two different software packages are to be implemented there might come lot of hurdles and complexity that may come along on the path . If you are interested in integrating ERP and CRM solution together , then fortunately you are at right place , contact Winklix to make it happen for your business .