Loan Software Development

    • Law Firms
    • Title Management
    • Case Management
    • Audit Software
    • Compliances

Legal Software Development Services

Law Firm Management Software
We provide on demand customisation in law software to facilitate you with attorney management solutions , case and matter management , organisation of court room system and more .

Legal Hold Software
Do you want to preserve your data ? Winklix has team of litigation experts who know how to perfectly build legal hold software.

Case Management Software
Our software is compatible with smartphones , computer and tablets so that you don't have to compromise on accessing docs of clients as well as speaking with clients and management of law practice .

Court Room Technology Modules
Our developers also have good hands on courtroom tech module management which is not limited to case history , jury management , subpoena and warrant tracking system .

Virtual Law Room Solution
We are also used to develop virtual law firms solutions by which both users and clients can interact using different collaboration tools , web and video conferencing and more.

Law Firm Analytics Software
We develop analytics software in a way that gives you data driven insights which can help you in winning law suits as well as new clients .

Legal Mobile App Development
We create mobile app for android and iOS platform which facilitates law firms customers to remain upto date about their law suits .

Law Firm Billing Software Solutions
Our billing software helps law firm in custom fee management , custom billing rates , automated billing functions and various other things .

Litigation Software Support
Our developers develop custom e-discovery software tools so that you can process , review and more on litigation matters .

Law Firms Software Integration
We can also help you with integration with existing software system with our software so that you will not have to change as per other alternative technology and databases .

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Title Management Software Development Services

Want to streamline your title management software process by making use of software solutions . We can provide you with title management software facilitating production , search , closing , insurance and more .

Title Software Development

We can develop on demand software for title search and production .

Title Search Software

We craft title search software in a way which facilitates online search , scanning , uploading and downloading , hard copy ordering , doc management as well as reporting .

Title Production Software

We program title software in a way that you can search on web about title , order management , title rate management and settlement standards .

Title Closing Software

Our title closing software consist of automated flow of to-do list , business reporting , connected banking and escrow account management .

E-Closing Software Apps

We can also help you provide e-closing software application for web based , cloud ( SaaS ) and mobile platforms ( native , cross-platform and hybrid )

Title Insurance Integration

We provide integration of insurance system with CRM .

Audit Software Development

Custom audit management software can help you with investigation of systems , reports or entities . Audits are being conducted in regular intervals to make sure your legal firms are in compliance with finances , operation , taxes and more .

Custom Audit Workflows
We build on demand audit automation software which facilitates workflow design , event triggering and automated filtering .

Powerful Audit Reporting
By using our sets of software , you can easily generate audio reports in real time manner within few seconds .

Custom Audit Software Development
We are expertise in creating both internal as well as external custom audit software tools so that your organisation can be in compliance with finance , operations , IT etc .

Audit Planning System
Right from beginning we program audit planning and scheduling feature to ensure you can carry on your work properly .

Mobile Audit Apps
Mobile audits apps are designed in a way so that worker can complete audit anytime , anywhere .

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Law Firm Case Management System

Our software are all centralised , so that you can focus just on your clients and hence never miss a deadline.

Custom Management Systems
We develop on demand case management system which facilitates centralised database management , calendaring applications , client portals and more features .

Data Collection
We integrate with various data collection sources like emails , phone calls , SMS messaging documents and customisable links to capture data sing technology .

Centralised Database
We program functions in central database for all your case data management , search controls , data imports / exports , secure portal sharing , document management and conflict checking tools .

Calendar Management
Our calendar management applications includes scheduling automation , notifications , billable tracking tools and more feature .

Client Portals
We develop secured client portal which facilitates custom branding , role based accessed control , encryptions , multi factor authentication , SSL / TLS and more security features .

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  • USA : +1-(347)746 2125
  • INDIA : +91-8882313131
  • Mail Us :
  • Support :
  • Skype : Winklix Sales ( +1.347.746.2125)
  • WhatssApp : +1(347) 746 2125
  • Headquarter:
    USA : New York:116W, 45TH Street , New York ,NY,10036 , USA

  • India Office
    HQ :H-160 , BSI Business Park , Noida Sector -63 ,UP , India

  • Delhi : Office No : 353 , Azadpur ,Near Azadpur Metro Station, Delhi -110032,India

  • Mumbai : 5th Floor , Raaj Chamber , Mogra Pada , New Nagardas Road,Andheri East -400069,India

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