Interesting Facts About Cloud Based ERP

Interesting Facts About Cloud Based ERP

The complexity of data in any business strategy is very tough to manage . Enterprises uses these data to develop business strategies and interchanging information across different departments in the organisation . In order to manage these complex data , Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is what is needed , no matter whether you are small , medium or large size organisation .

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It has also been recent in recent technology advancement that desktop based softwares are going outdated these days . 2019 is the era of cloud based ERP software which is used by almost all industries in the marketplace . ERP offers various management system of the enterprises like human capital management (HCM) to sales management , finance and different department coordination management .

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As per the recent reports of Forbes Magazines , cloud usage has been seen tremendous growth of 6 times of IT spending since 2015 , which in turn has increased the demand for cloud based ERP to next level and the clear impact of which can be seen with continuously growing revenue .

As the matter of fact it has been predicted that more than 90 % of the software will be cloud based by 2020. The companies who has shifted their infrastructure to cloud based ERP software has been seen tremendous growth in terms of revenue in their business .

Let’s quick look at some of the interesting facts about cloud based ERP solutions 

ERP Promotes Growth

The best part about cloud based ERP software is it does not require any infrastructure to run this complete system within the company . That is the reason the demand for cloud based ERP system is growing continuously in worldwide market . By investing in ERP software which is cloud based companies are expected to get focused on growth and return on investment in easier and faster way .

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Cloud provides easy accessibility of tools which is already quality enabled which companies find difficult to access before . It is easily accessible even if company does not have any good internal infrastructure .

Increase In Agility 

Generally these kind of ERP have centralised cloud based data storage capability which aids different department to access data centrally which helps in increasing efficiency and removal of and duplicity during data entry . Cloud based ERP systems are quick , easy to access and can be regularly updates with ease in order to get the latest updates .

Money Saving 

Cloud systems are comparatively cheap solution in comparison to previous ERP solutions . It has been seen that most of the companies who have implemented these kind of software have saved huge amount of money . The major benefit of using cloud system of ERP is it allows investment flexibility and quicken up the whole process . In cloud based ERP , there is no additional cost to upgrade the system and also does not require any trained person to do that .
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This softwares are highly secure having multiple layers of data security and privacy . Cloud based ERP maintains regular backup of data and services as well as multiple authentication to access the data .  All other most important documents and data are stored in secured server which is not easy to access .

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